
400 8353 199
400 8353 166-2

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Job Description

Title: Product Sales & Technical Support
Responsible for promoting electrochemistry research products by working together with sales representatives.  Role requires searching sales opportunities by giving technical support to existing users to secure sales growth and raise marketing share. As part of the sales team, conducting direct selling activities is required too.

• Promote business for the assigned products and territory to help sales team finish annual quota and performance target.
• Well learning the knowledge of assigned products. Especially understand the technical and application documentation coming from manufactory.
• Be able to demo and operate the assigned products (include hardware and software) before selling, and do installation and customers training after selling.
• Provide technical material (application note, competition information) to sales team.
• Do technical presentation in seminar and workshop.
• Develop long term relationships with the key account (experts, researchers) and insure customer satisfaction.
• Conduct direct selling if it is required.
• Prepare and keep update sales binder for assigned products.
• Identify and assess new opportunities for existing products as well as opportunities for new product development
• Feedback to manufactory the requirement of the products coming from local territory and market.
• Prepare a variety of status reports, like weekly significant report and prospect customers report, including activity, closings, follow-up, and adherence to goals.

Qualifications Required / Preferred
• Bachelor or Master degree in chemistry, prefer Electrochemistry.
• 3 years sales/sales support/application specialist working experience considered regarding the application field above.
• Strong ability of working independently, self-motivated.
• Well communication skills required, either to internal partner and customers.
• Good command of English in both verbal and written.
• Location in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Xian, ???


職位: 產(chǎn)品銷(xiāo)售&

負(fù)責(zé)與銷(xiāo)售人員一起促進(jìn)電化學(xué)產(chǎn)品的銷(xiāo)售。 通過(guò)對(duì)已有用戶的,尋找銷(xiāo)售機(jī)會(huì),確保銷(xiāo)售增長(zhǎng)并提高市場(chǎng)分額。作為銷(xiāo)售團(tuán)隊(duì)的成員,同樣需要具備銷(xiāo)售能力。

• 促進(jìn)產(chǎn)品和區(qū)域銷(xiāo)售業(yè)務(wù),幫助銷(xiāo)售團(tuán)隊(duì)完成年度計(jì)劃和預(yù)算目標(biāo)。
• 善于學(xué)習(xí)產(chǎn)品知識(shí),尤其理解來(lái)自工廠的技術(shù)和應(yīng)用文檔。
• 能夠使用產(chǎn)品(包括硬件和軟件)進(jìn)行售前演示,完成售后安裝以及用戶培訓(xùn)。
• 為銷(xiāo)售團(tuán)隊(duì)提供技術(shù)資料(應(yīng)用文檔,競(jìng)爭(zhēng)信息等)。
• 參與產(chǎn)品介紹、講座和研討會(huì)等。
• 與關(guān)鍵客戶(專家,研究人員)保持長(zhǎng)期的良好關(guān)系,確??蛻魸M意度。
• 如果需要可直接進(jìn)行銷(xiāo)售活動(dòng)。
• 對(duì)產(chǎn)品,準(zhǔn)備并保持更新銷(xiāo)售所需文檔。
• 對(duì)現(xiàn)有產(chǎn)品發(fā)現(xiàn)和評(píng)估新的應(yīng)用機(jī)會(huì),為新產(chǎn)品開(kāi)發(fā)提供線索。
• 將地區(qū)和市場(chǎng)對(duì)于產(chǎn)品的建議和意見(jiàn)反饋至工廠。
• 提交多種工作報(bào)告,比如周報(bào)和潛在客戶報(bào)告等。

• 本科或碩士學(xué)歷,化學(xué)專業(yè),電化學(xué)專業(yè)優(yōu)先
• 在以上應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域,  有銷(xiāo)售/銷(xiāo)售支持/應(yīng)用工程師等工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)優(yōu)先
• 較強(qiáng)的獨(dú)立工作及自我管理能力
• 良好的溝通技巧,無(wú)論和公司內(nèi)部以及和公司外部客戶
• 良好的英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)及書(shū)寫(xiě)能力
• 工作地點(diǎn): 北京,上海,成都,西安



版權(quán)所有  阿美特克科學(xué)儀器部-普林斯頓及輸力強(qiáng)電化學(xué)   備案號(hào):滬ICP備14035568號(hào)-3

技術(shù)支持:化工儀器網(wǎng)    管理登陸    sitemap.xml

400 8353 166-2


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